Multiple Roles

Auros Global

Date listed

2 months ago



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Auros is a leading cryptocurrency market making and high-frequency trading firm operating across all major venues and instruments. A 24/7/365 business, it possesses a world-class team of trading and engineering talent across 15 geographies globally, combining remote work and physical offices in Hong Kong and New York.
Please check the below links for more detail about what each role involves.
Strategy Developer (Options): https://boards.greenhouse.io/aurosglobal/jobs/4403810005
Core Systems Developer: https://boards.greenhouse.io/aurosglobal/jobs/4354927005
Exchange Connectivity Developer: https://boards.greenhouse.io/aurosglobal/jobs/4301982005
Senior DevOps Engineer: https://boards.greenhouse.io/aurosglobal/jobs/4370145005

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