Founding Rust Engineer

Dioxus Labs | San Francisco

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1 month ago

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Keywords: ruby github rust

I'm Jonathan, the creator of Dioxus (YC S23). Dioxus is a popular crossplatform GUI library for Rust that, imo, is the easiest way to ship apps that are beautiful, fast, and robust.
Dioxus is quite popular, almost 20k stars on GitHub, and we recently raised a sizable seed round from "top vcs." We have a lot of exciting projects on the horizon:
- in-place binary patching for rust hotreloading (http://github.com/jkelleyrtp/ipbp)
- a WGPU powered HTML/CSS renderer (http://github.com/dioxusLabs/blitz)
- experiments with LLM-based component generation (http://github.com/dioxusLabs/dioxus-ai)
- upcoming mobile tooling
- TUI-based devtools for a ruby-on-rail like experience
- a deploy platform for web/desktop/mobile/backend and all the fun that entails...
I'm looking for a founding systems engineer passionate about Rust, WASM, apps, the web, compilers, linkers, and devex - basically someone who's not afraid of anything. Dioxus is a very lean organization and we've been able to move so quickly since we keep our team small and high trust. No annoying standups or corporate bureaucracy. If you want to contribute to OSS, move the needle, and work in a startup that's closer to deeptech with hard problems, this role is for you.
I'm specifically looking for people who are excited by this space and doing this type of work. If you're just looking for a job then this probably isn't the right role for you.
Apply on our yc page or are reach me directly at jon at dioxuslabs dot com

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