Lead/Mid-Level Ai Engineer

Man Group | London, Boston

Date listed

1 month ago

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Keywords: ml python

Hi. We’re building and deploying GenAI powered solutions across our asset management business and are looking for a AI engineers to help us scale up.
This is very much an AI engineering team. If the idea of using your engineering skills to build on top of foundational GenAI models to solve complex problems within finance appeals, this role could be a great fit. Man Group is hiring across the board, but for this role in particular we’re looking for experienced and practical software engineers who are excited about the potential of generative AI. Previous experience working with LLMs, fine-tuning, RAG, ML engineering etc all valued but not critical.
https://mangroupplc.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/Man_Group_Careers/... https://mangroupplc.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/Man_Group_Ca...

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