Stream powers APIs for Chat Messaging, Activity Feeds, Auto Moderation, Video & Audio that are used by over a billion end-users, and are powered by Go, RocksDB, and Raft - with response times typically measured in single-digit milliseconds.
We reached a new industry benchmark for scaling real-time chat as-a-service, with 5 million concurrent connections supported in a single chat channel.
We’re currently one of the fastest growing startups in Europe and Colorado on our Series B round of $38 mln:
We’re hiring for the following positions:
* Senior and Staff Software Engineers (Golang) -
Amsterdam (hybrid) or Remote (EU)
* AI/Python Developer Advocate -Amsterdam or Remote (EMEA)
* Data engineer - Amsterdam
* Design Engineer - Amsterdam
* DevOps Engineer - Amsterdam or Remote (EMEA)
* Lead Flutter SDK Developer - Amsterdam/Skopje
* Product Marketing Manager - Boulder, CO or Remote (US)
…and more!
As a part of Stream, you'll have a chance to make a huge impact on the product within a team of the strongest engineers all over the world (over 35 countries aboard).
If you are interested in becoming a part of what we do, apply now!
Multiple Positions , Intuition Machines
Multiple Positions , WOLF
Austin, TXRoles: Senior Software Engineer, Software Engineer ,
Mobile Developer, Firmware, Full Stack , TritonX
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