Full Stack Software Engineer (Senior - Staff)

Blueberry Pediatrics

Date listed

2 weeks ago

Employment Type

Full time



American healthcare is seldom affordable, accessible, or high-quality. We are fixing this for pediatrics. Blueberry is the most affordable option amongst our competition. We practice the highest quality pediatric telemedicine, as evidenced by our exclusive hiring of board certified pediatricians and usage of at-home medical kits. And, we’re accessible 24 hours a day.

Our success is shown in the lives we save, the costs we save our insurers, and our exploding B2B and D2C business. 

As you can imagine, pulling off affordable high-quality healthcare is a challenge. It requires a lot of engineering ingenuity, a C-suite aligned with positive patient outcomes above short-term profits, and a great product team.

We use Django, Hotwire Turbo (an HTMX-like framework), Pytorch, Sklearn, and Flutter. Experience in these technologies helps, but what’s more important is general full-stack knowledge, curiosity, and a strong work ethic.

Take a look at our full job description HERE!

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