Senior Software Engineer (Full-Stack)


Date listed

2 months ago

Employment Type

Full time



As a Senior Engineer at Constant you’ll have the chance to create great technology, great products, and grow as a leader:

  • Work directly with the founder and other stakeholders on all areas of the product.
  • Architect, develop and maintain high-quality software. You’ll take ownership over broad areas of the development process, creating technology that will help manage millions of dollars.
  • Provide guidance and leadership to junior developers. This includes helping to hire junior developers to grow the engineering team.

Within a year, you could be a manager of several engineers - leading a team that’s creating innovative investment products our world hasn’t yet seen.

Why we’re hiring for this role:

There are tons of high-impact, meaningful projects in our product pipeline, and we need to grow the engineering team to build out the vision. From day 1 you’ll hit the ground running with some of the most exciting work of your career.

We’re looking for someone:

  • Experienced
  • Passionate
  • Thoughtful
  • Creative

Experience requirements:

  • 3+ years of experience as a full-stack engineer
  • Strong experience with Typescript, React and Next.js
  • Strong backend experience. Experience with Firebase / Firestore is a plus, but not required
  • Familiarity with investing, finance and / or fintech

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