TritonX ( is hiring developers for mobile app development and firmware development to work on our remote patient monitoring platform and wearable sensor technology. Patients with kidney disease, heart disease, and many other conditions are at risk for fluid overload and fluid depletion and symptoms appear too late for at home interventions. We are building an early warning system that will alert patients and providers to fluid imbalance while it can still be treated at home.
Successful applicants will be working on implementation of features for our wearable sensor and remote monitoring platform which will collect research data from human subjects with various disease diagnoses. We use C/C++ for embedded systems, Flutter for app development, Python on Google Cloud Platform for cloud software. Biomedical engineering experience preferred but not required.
Full-stack developer , Hovercode
Full Stack Developer , Planning Center
Full-Stack Developer , OnTheGoSystems
Contract EmploymentFull Stack Developer ,
Full Stack Developer , OnTheGoSystems
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