Title Flexible, Leader Of Full-Stack Ruby On Rails Team


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1 month ago



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At Recast we’re creating the world’s most statistically rigorous marketing mix modeling platform. That means that we help our customers determine how to spend more than $1.2 billion of their marketing budget more effectively. We’re a small (< 50 person) startup with a good mix of paying customers, a considerable runway, and a clear viable path to profitability.
I’m the VP of Engineering at Recast. I hold that hiring in tech is horrible, I’m aiming to have as humane as possible application experience. You’ll be meeting with engineers from your first live interview up until the pre-offer stage… and I promise to be real with you every step of the way.
I've taken a fairly unusual path into technical leadership and had most of my IC experience in Data Science and DevOps. You must be someone who has experiences that complement my own to join me as the second explicit leader in our ten person Engineering organization. You should be poised to grow with the company into being a senior engineering leader with a broad scope of responsibilities. On an immediate basis, you’ll take responsibility for a three person Ruby-on-Rails team and engage across the full spectrum of technical and people leadership. That includes direct communication and coordination with our product and executive team to maximize the value we deliver to our customers, driving high quality solutions, code review, one-on-ones, and hands-on development work. You will be contributing your expertise in software development and architecture to guide our core full stack application and future tech decisions.
Some bits of our tech stack: Ruby-on-Rails, React, Tailwind UI, Hotwire, Turbo, Heroku, PostgresSQL, Sidekiq, Docker, k8s, TypeScript
Other Benefits: Mature remote culture with limited meetings; work with incredibly educated and smart folk (Recast has the most PhDs per capita I’ve ever seen)
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/recastlabs/ Glassdoor: https://www.glassdoor.com/Overview/Working-at-Recast-EI_IE84... nothing there, but there are some less good companies that share our name and I don’t want folks to be confused.
I’ll be out of office this week but will start responding to requests next week.
Application Link: https://grnh.se/f9a2b8498us

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