Founding Engineer

Codestory | London, United Kingdom

Date listed

2 months ago

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Keywords: ml

We're building Aide, an AI-native, privacy-first IDE. With the advent of AI, we believe there is an opportunity and necessity to re-imagine the IDE to be a place where developers and AI are both first-class citizens, and AI can pair-program as well as complete tasks independently.
We're still a team of 2, and are looking for a founding engineer with hands-on experience working with LLMs beyond basic prompting. ML background is not required, as long as you have understood LLMs deeply. We're not looking to train our own models, except fine-tuning when required for special use-cases. So someone who can understand and get into the internals of LLMs, hosting models, optimising model inference for our use case, setup evals, and (this may not be a skill you already have) can power the backend for streaming requirements needed to build agents in the next few years.
If this sounds interesting, apply at https://www.workatastartup.com/jobs/65502, and we'll get back to you shortly!

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