Senior Manager, Quality Engineering

Scribd | Us Or Canada

Date listed

2 months ago





Total Funding

$47.8 million

Glassdoor Rating

4/5 (40 reviews)

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Keywords: remote

We are looking for an experienced engineering leader to lead QE at Scribd. The Quality Engineering team is part of our larger Developer Platform group. Together we focus on building & supporting a world-class development experience for developers through every stage of the software development lifecycle - from ideation to production.
We are emphasizing developer speed and autonomy while upholding a high bar for quality. We are investing in our evolution away from a traditional manual testing approach to one that invests in world-class automation and developer tooling in order to drive a modern quality practices. This extends beyond just typical testing & product quality focus - to areas of process quality, code quality, and more.
This is a new role and a unique opportunity to shape and implement a new strategy for quality at Scribd - driving an impact on Scribd Engineering (150+ developers).
To see what a career at Scribd looks like see And to see more about the opportunity and apply directly:
Or feel free to reach out via email - cktaylor at scribd dot com

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