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Smarterdx | Remote (Us Only)

Date listed

2 months ago

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We are an early stage health tech company using AI to improve hospital revenue cycle (making healthcare costs lower and allowing doctors to focus on patient care). The team is small but high functioning (MD + data scientist combos, former ASF board member, Google and Amazon engineers, Stanford LLM researchers, etc.) and initially scaled the company to $1MM+ in contracted revenue without raising capital.
We have been backed by top investors including Floodgate (Lyft, Twitch, Twitter), Bessemer, and are currently on pace to 30X in revenue over a two-year time period.
We are looking for:
- Staff SWE
- Solutions Engineers
- Marketing (Digital and Content)
- Sales
- IT Support/Ops
We have PMF, and it's time to scale! For more, see https://smarterdx.com/careers
You can also email us at hiring at smarterdx dot com

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