Software Engineer (Internal Tools/Data Pipelines)


Date listed

2 months ago

Employment Type

Full time

Dripos is a customer-obsessed company that uses a data-driven methodology to create an all-in-one solution for coffee shops. We take customers from relying on 5-10 different solutions to run their business to only needing Dripos for all their needs (ordering, scheduling, payroll, etc). We work closely with our partnered locations to build their dream product while internally working at a lightning pace to create a truly unique relationship with our customers.

We’re looking to hire a full-stack software engineer to start our internal tooling and data pipeline team. Our company uses internal metrics to make all its decisions. We want to invest more resources into making it easier to access these metrics and have team leads get the numbers they need to do their jobs at the highest possible level. Your job would be to create a seamless pipeline to pull data from all our data sources (Hubspot, Gong, Notion, Github, Our Product) and create dashboards based on the data team leads want. Along with that, building internal tools that help alleviate our team's stress, which could be migration tools, internal sales dashboards, and more. You’ll also create tools to help manage our build and deployment pipelines.

We are built on a React, React Native, Node, MySQL, and MongoDB stack. We are entirely inside the Amazon Web Services system and utilize tools like RDS, EC2, S3, Elastic Beanstalk, and CloudFront. You’ll be responsible for creating both the front and back end for these internal tools, and we’ll give you the freedom to work on internal tooling independently from our core product development. You’ll be maintaining your own separate list of features, bugs, and tasks. You will also be reporting directly to the CEOs and VP of Engineering, so you must be very capable of communicating and bringing ideas to life in stressful situations.


We want to bring someone in with a good understanding and ability to handle working on the following responsibilities:

  • Data Pipelines - Pull data from multiple data sources and compile them into a singular source that can be accessible in real-time. Massive amounts of data will be pushed through these pipelines, and they will always have to be flowing with up-to-date data.
  • Data Insights - Using the data pipeline you create, create dashboards and scripts to serve this data as meaningful insights. Team leads will determine and request these insights and metrics, and they should be able to access them at any time.
  • Internal Tooling - Create tools for our teams that will improve the lives of our employees. These could be anything from tools that make account migration and onboarding easier to tools that make handling support cases faster.
  • Deployments - Create systems and tools to help manage our deployment pipelines across our multiple apps, websites, and servers.

What we’re looking for

  • Someone with at least a year of actual software development experience.
  • Has a deep understanding of how APIs work and how to cache and set up data pipelines between them.
  • Has a growth mindset and is ready to learn and work to build a system independent of our core product.
  • Understands and has built deployment pipelines across apps, websites, and servers.
  • Has a good understanding of how startups work firsthand or through other means.
  • Ability to bring ideas to code in an extremely timely manner

We embrace the no-rules rules culture originating from Netflix. We believe in unlimited time off, no approvals, no overbearing managers, and a culture of transparency and constructive feedback. We ask that you work as hard as possible to bring the customer and company vision to life.

We have an office in Manhattan, and we believe in-person work really helps build our culture and is generally a lot more fun. We are an entirely in-person team and require office attendance five days a week. As a company, we take an hour off to cater lunches and have time for everyone to sit down and talk about their day.

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