Backend Software Engineer


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1 month ago

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Keywords: python typescript node

Frec's mission is to give everyone access to the same tools used by the ultra wealthy to build long term wealth. Many advanced wealth creation strategies, such as direct indexing, are now ready for mass adoption due to technological advances in machine learning and financial tooling over the past decade.
- You will be working with a small team of experienced engineers and designers, less than 10, across all areas of the stack w/ focus on the user facing apps.
- You will work collaboratively on the entire life cycle of the software development – from collecting requirements, to iterating on design, to implementation, and finally testing and operations. You will have the autonomy to drive large critical features/products end-to-end like integrating the concept of tax optimization into the existing product, handling stock transfers etc.
We're hiring for:
- Backend engineer (node, typescript, python, etc.) with 8+ years experience

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