Brand Designer

Magi Inc

Date listed

3 weeks ago

Employment Type




Found on:

Responsive image Dribbble

Keywords: remote

We're looking for a designer to create our logo and brand and design guide for a few different applications we are working on.

First, a relationship based AI app called "Closer" aimed at bringing you closer to your partner. The colour scheme we have chosen right now is a deep romantic red (subject to change depending on your suggestion).

Secondly, a mental health based AI app aimed at giving you therapy/ calm you down in stressful situations.

Thirdly, IvyTrack, an AI app aimed at helping students (children/pre-teens/teens) succeed in their college admission process. We want to help students early on in their academic career be successful in their college/university admission process.

This is a freelance position.

If you have any problems or questions, please email [email protected]

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