Full-Stack Senior Or Staff Engineer

Blueberry Pediatrics | Remote (Us-Only)

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3 weeks ago

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Keywords: django pytorch flutter

American healthcare is seldom affordable, accessible, or high-quality. We are fixing this for pediatrics. Blueberry is the most affordable option amongst our competitors. We practice the highest quality pediatric telemedicine, as evidenced by our exclusive hiring of board-certified pediatricians and the usage of at-home medical kits. And, we’re accessible 24 hours a day.
Our success is shown in the lives we save, the costs we save our insurers, and our exploding B2B and D2C business.
As you can imagine, pulling off affordable high-quality healthcare is a challenge. It requires a lot of engineering ingenuity, a C-suite aligned with positive patient outcomes above short-term profits, and a great product team.
We use Django, Hotwire Turbo (an HTMX-like framework), Pytorch, Sklearn, and Flutter. Experience in these technologies helps, but what’s more important is general full-stack knowledge, curiosity, and a strong work ethic.
Full-stack Senior or Staff engineer: https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/blueberrypediatrics/e79e093e-cf29-4...
Our homepage: https://blueberrypediatrics.com/

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