Product Designer


Date listed

1 month ago

Employment Type




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Responsive image Dribbble

Keywords: remote ux figma

Hey there! 

Can you analyze user behavior better than an FBI agent? Or do you have Superman's x-ray vision that sees interface problems right away? Then, Awesomic wants you in our team 🤩

🔥 Awesomic.com is a web app that delivers designs to businesses from around the world. Since our founding in 2020, we've completed 10000+ tasks for 1500+ clients. Here are just some of them: Reface, Lift99, SilviaTerra, Y Combinator startups, and VC funds 🔥

Now, we're looking for a passionate Product designer who wants to join our Awesomic platform to work within a fast-growing community. For this, you should have:  

  • Experience in app design (4+ years)

  • Knowledge of Figma and Adobe Suite

  • Portfolio with recent UI/UX design cases

  • Discipline to bring results in a timely manner with updates every 24 hours

  • Fluent English

  • Ability to work US hours or shift your schedule to have an overlap with the San Francisco timezone.

🙌🏻 Sounds like an accurate description of you? Then, let us tell you how Awesomic works:

  • Our AI algorithm takes care of matching you with clients that require your skills 

  • As a newbie, you get an onboarding buddy to help you get adjusted

  • You'll give daily updates on tasks

  • To work and communicate on the Awesomic platform, you need to use entirely English

  • Twice a week, you'll have design review calls to discuss your work and current challenges

  • If you work overtime, you'll get compensated accordingly

  • You get sick pay as well, although we hope you won't need it 

🙌🏻 Still contemplating? Then, let us tell you why you should consider working for us:

  • To remotely collaborate with companies from around the world on the platform

  • To get a sense of оne-goal-driven design community with daily support and a dose of memes 

  • To share and get professional knowledge among fellow designers

  • То improve your professional skills within the community of Awesomic designers from all over the world

Okay, you got the point: working at Awesomic is fun. So why wait and not start joining us? Just fill in the form below, and you're one step closer to being a part of our team 😉

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