Ui/Ux Designer For Health Management App


Date listed

2 weeks ago

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Keywords: remote figma ux ios android

We are seeking a skilled and creative UI/UX Designer to join our team to bring a new health management mobile application to life. This app aims to revolutionise patient education and engagement, providing tools and resources for users to manage their health proactively. This is a remote contractor role. Ideally, someone within the UK or similar time zones.



         •       Collaborate with the product team to understand and translate user requirements into wireframes and prototypes.

         •       Design high-fidelity, visually appealing, and user-friendly interfaces.

         •       Create a seamless user experience for various app features including calendars, educational hubs, timers, and media players.

         •       Ensure the app design aligns with our brand identity and meets the needs of our target audience.

         •       Conduct user research and usability testing to iterate and improve the app design.

         •       Work closely with developers to implement and refine the design.


Key Features to Design:

         1.      User Profile:

         •       Sign-up and login functionality.

         •       Personal profile creation with basic health information logging.

         2.      Calendar and Reminders:

         •       Event and reminder management with customizable notifications.

         •       Integration with native calendar apps.

         3.      Educational Hubs:

         •       Written and video content to educate users on various health topics.

         •       Content categorization for easy navigation and accessibility.

         4.      Health Tracking Tools:

         •       Adjustable timers for activity tracking.

         •       Gamified elements to encourage regular use and engagement.

         5.      Emergency Information:

         •       Guides and advice for handling common health emergencies.

         •       Written and video content to educate users on immediate actions to take.

         6.      Product Recommendations:

         •       Curated list of recommended health products with potential e-commerce integration.


Tasks for the UI/UX Designer:

         1.      Refinement and Consistency:

         •       Ensure all design elements are consistent in style, typography, spacing, and color usage.

         •       Refine any rough edges in the design to make it more visually appealing and user-friendly.

         2.      Prototype Creation:

         •       Create interactive prototypes in Figma to simulate the user experience and flow.

         •       Test the prototype for usability and gather feedback for improvements.

         3.      User Experience Enhancement:

         •       Evaluate the overall user journey and suggest improvements to enhance usability and user engagement.

         •       Ensure that the design adheres to best practices in user experience design.

         4.      Gap Filling:

         •       Identify and fill any gaps in the design, such as missing screens, states, or user interactions.

         •       Add any additional features or screens that may be needed to complete the app’s functionality.

         5.      Developer Handoff:

         •       Prepare the design files for developer handoff, ensuring that all necessary assets, specifications, and documentation are included.

         •       Collaborate with developers to ensure the design is implemented accurately.

Skill Level Required:

         •       Experience: Mid to Senior level designer with a strong portfolio of mobile app designs.

         •       Tools: Proficiency in Figma for design and prototyping.

         •       Skills: Strong understanding of both UI and UX principles, experience with mobile app design for both iOS and Android, and excellent attention to detail.

If you are passionate about creating beautiful and user-friendly mobile apps and have the skills and experience we need, we would love to hear from you. Please provide your portfolio and a brief description of your experience with similar projects.

Email: [email protected]

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