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Hi all, I’m Yuriy, founder of Puma.tech. Previously worked in developer relations at Cloudant (YC S08), Meteor (YC S11), Parse (YC S11), and explored Ai/ML (computer vision for self-driving cars) before diving deep into crypto.
Puma Browser: we started with the idea of a privacy-first browser with built-in micropayments (via the Interledger Protocol) and have since added support for identity (HNS, ENS; Unstoppable Domains in testing) and storage (IPFS; Arweave in testing).
We just soft launched OpenAI, Anthropic and Gemini integrations and looking into ways of running LLaMA-like open source models on device. Come help us build it.
https://Puma.network: decentralized infrastructure layer running on top of Puma Browser 900k installs focused on creating open LLMs and rewarding contributions of compute, feedback (RLHF) and data.
We’ve raised Angel and Seed venture rounds from some of the best builders in crypto and Ai: Protocol Labs, Shima Capital, SBI, Fenbushi, HashKey, Chris Larsen (founder of Ripple), Sridhar Ramaswamy (Snowflake CEO, Neeva, Greylock), Jason Warner (ex-GitHub CTO, VP Eng Heroku & Canonical), Illia Polosukhin (NEAR Protocol), Don Ho (Orange DAO, Quantstamp) and many more.
- We value Optimism, Kindness, Curiosity, Speed and Grit.
- Two recurring weekly meetings to maximize state of flow: Monday all-hands, Friday Demos.
- Careful with growth and never had to do layoffs.
- Capital efficient with 3+ years of runway.
Open Roles: Ai/ML Engineer, Browser Extension Engineer, Head of Memes & Growth; Internships: Eng, Design, Growth
How to Apply: visit https://puma.tech or email careers+hn [at] pumabrowser.com
Thank you!

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